It’s the little things I do in-game that make World of Warcraft fun for me…like how I logged in to Kirina this morning, May 5th, and said, while wearing the full Haliscan set, “Arriba! Happy Cinco de Mayo!” and then dropped Kirina’s
Ogre Pinata. I got a couple of /cheers, a couple of /lols, someone one-shot the pinata, and everyone took some of the candy that burst from it ^_^
If your character has the Ogre Pinata, I suggest doing something along the same lines for a little Cinco de Mayo fun; however, having it one-shot kind of took away the exciting anticipation of hitting said pinata until the candy would explode out. Oh well.
Also, if you do not have, or know someone in-game that does not have, either the Haliscan Brimmed Hat or Don Carlos’ Famous Hat, why not get together for a Old Hillsbrad – Caverns of Time fun run, or solo Don Carlos for a little bit of Cinco de Mayo fun by yourself. It’s well worth it!
Visit the Haliscan Fun article for some outfit ideas!
2 comments | tags: Cinco de Mayo, Kirina, Specialty Outfits, WoW fashion | posted in From Kirina, Specialty Outfits
….well, at least for Kirina’s Closet. LoL, the article is finally up! And…hopefully it’s worth a little bit of something ^_^
Also, remember Children’s Week is going on this week.

Children’s Week article was one of the first holiday/special event outfits article for this site. Check it out if you didn’t see it before ^_^
3 comments | tags: Specialty Outfits, Spring, WoW fashion | posted in Specialty Outfits
The Noblegarden event ends on April 11th. Hopefully, that gives you plenty of time to enjoy the festivities in an outfit inspired, hopefully, by Kirina’s.
On a more personal note: I have been sick the past week with a wicked stomach virus -the result of which has been no energy and…unpleasant…bathroom experiences. (Yea! we totally needed to know that, Kirina!…) ^_^ In any case, I’m doing much better now, and will hopefully get the Spring article out soon, but I have a lot of class work to catch up on for the classes I missed during my illness, so, we’ll see.
4 comments | tags: Kirina, Noblegarden, WoW fashion, WoW World Events | posted in From Kirina, Holiday/Special Event Outfits
Wow…FINALLY! LoL…I’ve been working on this article for about a month, and have been blustering about “it’ll be up soon…”. Hopefully, it is worth the wait. It includes outfits for tailors, leather-workers, and blacksmiths all in one!
And do know that I am still planning on revamping some of the other professional outfits, and adding more to it, at a later (hopefully soon) date.
4 comments | tags: Blacksmith, Leather-worker, Professions, Tailor, WoW fashion | posted in Professions
May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future.
~ An Irish toast
The title says it all, and please enjoy the little random holiday outfit article that goes along with it ^_^
2 comments | tags: Specialty Outfits, St. Patty's Day, WoW fashion | posted in Holiday/Special Event Outfits