Yea! The winners for the 4th annual contest are:
- Grand Prize – Falkovia’s “Nightwatcher” costume
- 2nd Place – Shane’s “Succubus” costume
- Runner Ups – Cymre’s “Wonder Woman” costume and Denise’s “Pirate” costume
View these costumes, and all the other entries under the 2011 Hallows End Costume Contest page. I want to thank all of contestants for their entry(s). Thank you for participating!
This year is the last year for this beloved contest. This has been a much anticipated part of my Hallow’s End in-game, and RL Halloween, for the past 4 years (I can’t believe it has been that long!). However, as my life and time schedule is moving away from being able to dedicate as much time as I did before for this site, I feel it is for the best that start to move away from this tradition. I hope to replace it with Transmog-able challenges (which was a great suggestion by one of my readers months ago) to bring more traffic to the Kirina’s Closet Forum. I haven’t decided on the prizes yet, possibly just bragging rights or some small token of appreciation. Let me know what some of your ideas are for these challenges. Some of my ideas are cooking/fishing outfits, NPC look-a-like, and even challenges that make you base an entire outfit around a specific piece of gear.
**Important** Winners: I e-mailed out a message (to the e-mail address you submitted with your costume) to you stating that you’ve won, which also contains the codes to your prize(s). If you can’t find it (check your spam too ^_^), please comment to this post, and I will resend the information. Thanks! ~ Kirina
4 comments | posted in From Kirina, Hallow's End Costume Contest
Happy Hallow’s End, Everyone!
Yes, the Hallow’s End Costume Contest will still be taking place this year! Hopefully, I still have some visitors to this site to participate in the 4th annual costume contest ^_^.
Click here for more information and for what prizes are in store for you if you win!
Something special to note: I would love to see transmog-able costumes in the contest.
So, tell one and all! There is also a convenient costume up-loader link at the top of this webpage.
I do want to apologize to my readers for not having posted in almost a year. It’s unbelievable how much time a job and marriage takes away from your life, even if it has been an enjoyable ride. Over the summer, I took up some new responsibilities at my job that has been sucking even more time away from my hobbies (…my sanity?), and I haven’t truly played WoW in a while. I don’t want to soap-box too much, as I am sure you all know “how it is”.
I have been doing some updates around this site in the little amounts of time I could spare – mostly reworking how the accessibility to pages work. I do hope that it is an agreeable change, as my goal was to make finding/reading articles easier and more interactive.
/Sigh. I know I can’t make too much of an excuse for myself. Sometimes, I even feel like a stranger to my site. But, I still am determined to finish the outfit article ideas that I started…even if the fan-base and has gone. So, please be patient with any updates. I have linked to some amazing WoW RP blogs to consider in lieu of mine, and, if you know of one that has popped up since Transmogrification, please do not hesitate to tell me about it; I’ll definitely add them to my link list! ^_^
5 comments | posted in From Kirina, Hallow's End Costume Contest
I haven’t been doing much lately with my site, especially these last couple of months, because I’ve been so BUSY with work. Who would have thought being a teacher would eat up so much free time? lol >.< Good thing the semester ends at the end of this week!
Another thing that ends this week is what this post is for. Chatmay, over at the WoW Debutante, has been hosting a Transmog Fashion Contest this month. The only thing you have to do is comment on her post who you think should win, and, you’ll have a chance to win something, too! I would vote myself, but well, I’m a contestant. ^_^ The contest is between myself, Kamalia from Kamalia et alia, and Effraeti from Effraeti’s RP.
Check out the contest and vote!
I think Kamalia’s outfit is very cute, simple, and unique. I would have never thought of that, and, it looks adorable on her Tauren! Effraeti’s outfit is a very sultry fire shaman ^_^
In other news, hopefully with the holiday I’ll get some new content up on this site. I know I’ve said that before….oh well, I’m sorry lol.
4 comments | posted in From Kirina
Over this Thanksgiving break, WoWInsider featured Kirina’s Closet on their “15 minutes of fame” section!
Read the article here
I was so honored to be interviewed by them, and, I love that they even asked me about my WoW knitting.
More importantly though, tomorrow is the 29th – the end of PvP season 10. Will tomorrow be 4.3 day, as well? I’m waking up early to find out. Hopefully, though, it’ll be next week Tuesday…more in line with the Darkmoon Faire schedule (^_^).
I am also happy to see that they finally added recipes for Rhinestone Sunglasses and the High Society Top Hat to be available in-game once 4.3 hits. It’ll be awesome for clothies if we can transmog these!
3 comments | posted in From Kirina
Yea! Lol, I guess I kept all of you that participated in the Hallow’s End Costume Contest in suspense long enough. The winners for the 3rd annual contest are:
- Grand Prize – Ryan’s “Spartan” costume
- 2nd Place – Montanna’s “Spiderman” costume
- 1st runner up – Erinia’s “Wicked Witch of the West” costume
- 2nd runner up – Daniel’s “Ron Weasly quidditch outfit” costume
View these costumes, and all the other entries under the 2011 Hallows End Costume Contest page.
This year, Waddell and I had help from a couple of volunteer judges who have been long time readers of this site – Kamalia and Hyacintha. Even with two extra people in the decision making, we all had a hard time narrowing down the entries to the final winners…and you all made it even harder this year with almost twice the amount of entries as last year, and, by raising the bar with the quality/creativity of the costumes!
Something different that I included this year were “Honorable Mention” costumes. These were the costumes that were a part of each judge’s top 10 picks…the ones that the final vote came down between.
Last year, I saw an influx of posts on the forums asking about the items that contestants used in the costumes that they submitted – even for those that did not win a prize. So, if your costume didn’t win, please know that your idea(s) still inspire someone else because they are still creative and unique! I’m sure I’ll get requests asking for the outfit pieces of a lot of costumes submitted…especially the ones that look like NPCs.
I want to thank all of contestants for their entry(s). Thank you for participating!
**Important** Winners: I e-mailed out a message (to the e-mail address you submitted with your costume) to you stating that you’ve won, which also contains the codes to your prize(s). If you can’t find it (check your spam too ^_^), please comment to this post, and I will resend the information. Thanks! ~ Kirina
12 comments | posted in From Kirina, Hallow's End Costume Contest