2012 Contest Winners


Yea! The winners for the 4th annual contest are:

  • Grand Prize – Falkovia’s “Nightwatcher” costume
  • 2nd Place – Shane’s “Succubus” costume
  • Runner Ups – Cymre’s “Wonder Woman” costume and Denise’s “Pirate” costume

View these costumes, and all the other entries under the 2011 Hallows End Costume Contest page. I want to thank all of contestants for their entry(s). Thank you for participating!

This year is the last year for this beloved contest. This has been a much anticipated part of my Hallow’s End in-game, and RL Halloween, for the past 4 years (I can’t believe it has been that long!). However, as my life and time schedule is moving away from being able to dedicate as much time as I did before for this site, I feel it is for the best that start to move away from this tradition. I hope to replace it with Transmog-able challenges (which was a great suggestion by one of my readers months ago) to bring more traffic to the Kirina’s Closet Forum. I haven’t decided on the prizes yet, possibly just bragging rights or some small token of appreciation. Let me know what some of your ideas are for these challenges. Some of my ideas are cooking/fishing outfits, NPC look-a-like, and even challenges that make you base an entire outfit around a specific piece of gear.

**Important** Winners: I e-mailed out a message (to the e-mail address you submitted with your costume) to you stating that you’ve won, which also contains the codes to your prize(s). If you can’t find it (check your spam too ^_^), please comment to this post, and I will resend the information. Thanks! ~ Kirina

4 Responses to “2012 Contest Winners”

  • Falkovia Says:

    This was alot of fun. Thanks for picking mine. I should have taken the screenshots on actual Halloween when I angered several scenario groups RP’ing and melee’ing as a super hero saving the day. ^_^

    Congrats to all!

  • Kamalia Says:

    Congrats to all the winners 🙂

    This has been a fun tradition, and it’s been great that it has lasted so long. I look forward to seeing what happens next around here 🙂

  • Kirina Says:

    ^_^ You’re welcome! I’m happy you participated.

  • Cymre Says:

    Congrats to all the winners and thx for selecting me as one of the runner ups. 🙂

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