Finally! I guess I kept all of you that participated in the Hallow’s End Costume Contest in suspense long enough. The winners for the 2nd annual contest are:
- Grand Prize – Jordan’s “Ghostbusters” costume
- 2nd Place – Mel’s “Red Pirate” costume
- 1st runner up – Iris’ “Catwoman” costume
- 2nd runner up – Kamalia’s “Star Trek” costume
Just like last year, Waddell and I had a tough time deciding the final winners…and you all made it even harder this year with almost twice the amount of entries as last year!
Some other costumes that stood out to us were a fierce looking Green Dragon costume, a “spooki” grim reaper, both Aladdin costumes, Whitemane, and 2 witchy and devilish Blood Elves. ^_^ There was a beautiful Draenie shaman who has an amazing collection of gear, as do the others that submitted “elite” costumes.
See all the costumes here!
**Important** Winners: I e-mailed out a message (to the e-mail address you submitted with your costume) to you stating that you’ve won, which also contains the codes to your prize(s). If you can’t find it (check your spam too ^_^), please comment to this post, and I will resend the information. Thanks! ~ Kirina
7 comments | posted in Hallow's End Costume Contest
…And are enjoying the
Day of the Dead events happening in-game for a couple of days. ^_^
Also, the Hallow’s End Costume Contest is now over. Thank you all that participated! There are a lot of costumes (over 50!) to judge. Y’all made it harder this year for me and Waddell…so many great and unique costumes! But, I’m happy to see a larger turn-out this time. ^_^ The winner results should be posted within a couple of days.
3 comments | posted in Hallow's End Costume Contest
….Or “Hallow’s End night”, which ever you prefer ^_^ That’s the last day of the Hallow’s End Costume Contest, so, be sure to get your costume in soon if you were planning to participate! I really wish I’d had more time for Hallow’s End this year. I wanted to do a “Hallow’s End Party” article, but, never got that far out of school work to do so. I’ll probably post it up later…after Hallow’s End…when all the excitement as gone away T-T
/Sigh. I had just enough time this week to knit this little guy up (and you can too) and send it to my grandma (she loves Halloween too ^_^). I’ve been busy with a lot of exams this week….but that’s all over today! Yea! Well, just until finals come up…which Cata releases right in the middle of. So…guess what I won’t be doing come that time (for all those who said “she won’t be studying”, shame on you! ^_^ )
November should be packed more with new stuff. It looks like I will have more time for “leisure activities” then. The calm before the storm…..
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Finally! The end of the Four Seasons collection, the fall outfits, are up. Yea for Kirina!
Go to that article now…
Real life is always more important than a fantasy game…no matter how better the game may seem….And, as far as real life is concerned, I’m being worn thin. You finish one thing, then something else pops up. Think you have a weekend off? Nope. You’ve got car trouble, family gatherings, and you have to be a good friend and go to their kid’s birthday party.
I about freaked when I logged into the game after about a week of no contact with it and saw the Cataclysm patch downloading. I was like “wait! I’m not ready! So much more I wanted to do with old Azeroth!!”
Anyway, enough of my sob story. I’ve been happy to see a larger turn out for this year’s Hallow’s End Costume Contest. I’ve also added this year’s prizes.
Check all of that out here…
AND, one more thing. I’ve been starting to create my own knitting patterns based on WoW. I only have one up so far, but, just to let you all know, the Crafts under the About page has, and will have, more than just coasters.
5 comments | posted in Hallow's End Costume Contest, Specialty Outfits

It’s that time of year again! ^_^ I’m so happy it’s finally fall and Hallow’s End time! I cordially invite you all to participate in the Kirina’s Closet SECOND annual Hallow’s End Costume Contest!
I have not decided on prizes yet, but, they will be determined soon. They will probably be much like last year’s prizes, which can be seen here.
Click Here to already submit a costume: Kirina’s Closet Hallow’s End Costume Contest!
…Or click “more” for additional information.
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