Nov 1 2011

Hallow’s End Costume Contest – 2011


What a great turn-out we had this year! There are a lot of entries for us to go through, but, I wouldn’t want it any other way ^_^
We should have the contest winners chosen in a couple of days.

/Sigh. Where has the year gone? It’s already November! I bet patch 4.3 comes out in a couple of weeks…I can’t wait!

Oct 4 2011

2011 Hallow’s End Costume Contest!


It’s that time of year again!

The 3rd annual Hallow’s End Costume Contest sponsored by Kirina’s Closet is now open to all who wish to participate! I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

Click Here for More Info & to See the Prizes

Click Here to go Directly to the Uploader

**Attention** This year, I decided to do things a bit differently. Waddell and I would like a couple of this site’s readers to join us for judging! We only need about 3 of you. Please note that if you decide to be a judge for the contest, you will not be able to participate in the contest.
If this sounds like fun for you, please do not hesitate to contact me at: kirina(at) I look forward to judging with you! ^_^

I have also put a quick costume uploader near the “search bar” for easy access – that way, you don’t have to go through all the rules/prizes to get there.

Aug 18 2011

Bank Alts and Transmogrification in 4.3


While I know it’s pretty late to be doing so, I have been slowly working on Bank Alt fashion and have just about finished (in all honesty, bank alts should have been among the first articles for this site)…I still have a little bit more work to do on the Horde Bank Alts.

Check out what I have so far under the Low Level Looks – The Bank Alt Collection.

Patch 4.3 has been announced, and along with Deathwing, other things have been announced…awesome things…like a “Void Bag” – 100+ bank slot bag for old gear – and “Transmogrification” – the ultimate gear customization. All I can say is,


Transmogrification works a lot like reforging an items stats…only you’re changing your top tier PvE gear to look like your favorite old-world tier set…or, the “Black Mageweave Set” (please, PLEASE be more creative than that set lol ^_^…really, though, so many players will do that it won’t be funny and/or unique). This ability is so much more than I could have imagined having in-game, and, the possibilities of what I want Kirina to wear in battlegrounds blows even my mind.

Read more about patch 4.3 highlights here

I start back school on the 22nd; however, not as a student (yea!) but as a teacher! Therefore, I’m sure this site will be updated slowly. Hopefully, though, I’ll crank out more class outfits in preparation for this patch!

Also, I started a new topic on the forum – Transmogrification FTW – feel free to let us know what outfits you are considering to “transmog.”.

Jun 20 2011

It’s been a long time


I wanted to make my first post in over…well, over months of having not written anything to be with a great new article. But, I’d thought I’d go ahead and actually make some kind of contact without having something new to read (sorry). I did start (unannounced) a new Fashion section – Low Level Looks – that I hope to add more to soon.

Since this past December, I have been working toward my teacher certification, and have had little to no time after all my work to dedicate to this site, or even to WoW in general. After finally being done with all of my college work and student teaching this past May (yea!), I’ve had to re-teach myself how to delve into WoW fashion, organize what I wanted for Kirina (and get her geared in the process…), and just play the game. I feel as though I’m beginning to get back into the swing of things, but, real life is still the priority, so, it has been slow going.

However, I hope long periods of non-posting doesn’t drive away any readers, old or new – I will come back eventually. Like I said in a previous post, I think it was on my April Fool’s “prank”, that I can’t, and won’t, quit this site until I have gone through all my ideas I had planned for it (and the new ones I have since come up with ^_^). Hopefully after all that time, my ideas will still be helpful in the least.

The Midsummer Fire Festival starts tomorrow! ^_^

Jan 26 2011

Changes to the Forum


If you have not been to the forum in a while, chances are you were avoiding it like the plague due to the influx of spam…well, that’s a good excuse if you’ve forgotten that it exists ^_^

I have been trying to keep it clean as I possibly could to make the experience more enjoyable for you when reading. But lately, it has gotten much worse with the amount of spam that has been posted. So, I changed all the user settings and locked down boards to reduce/prevent spam from infiltrating the actual boards people want to read. I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner…maybe I was trying to be too nice.

If you have posted at least once on the forum, you will notice that your account is now a “Forum Member”. Your forum experience should be unchanged.

If you have been a (legitimate) registered user on the site, but you have never posted anything, I’m sorry, but, your account has been deleted. With over 2000 “registered users”, it was hard to distinguish between actual readers and spam, so, I deleted everyone. Please feel free to register again, and even ask to be promoted to a Forum Member…even if you do not plan to make posts.

Please visit the forum for more information.