New Guest-Writers’ Sections!
Don’t let the word “article” scare you off. Writing for this site is as simple as:
1) Taking pics of your outfits in an area of interest (there are some listed on the site that we could use, or you could do your own take of what’s already posted on the site, OR write a little something of your own unique outfits).
2) Posting the pics, and a description of what armor makes them up, to the forum. If you want, you can include other items that could be substitutes, what you like about the outfits, etc.
3) Relax and wait for your article to be posted on the site. I do the hard part with all the linking and laying out your pics/info on a page.
So, yeah, easy. And it can be as long as you want it to be. The guide-lines sound a lot more strict on the forums, and they still sorta apply, but the steps above are essentially what needs to happen. Come on and join the writing fun! It’s very rewarding to see your character, your outfits, and your name on it all on a live site – where others can and will read/embrace your work ^_^